Do we all have the internet?
Are we really all connected?
What about the...
The gap between those countries with and without technology is increasing. It has been recently reported that a third of the world's population is unable to access the internet, with 1 billion people still not owning a mobile phone. I'm using the internet, playing music, my phone is currently next to me with access to the internet, we are lucky.
"We have been monitoring ICT prices now for four years, and there have been a 30% drop in price of ICT in the past four years" Susan Teltscher, head of ITU'S data and statistics division.
However, the poorest countries who have access have been seen to pay the most.
Affordability: Singapore (pictured) was highlighted as one of the cheapest places for internet
Singapore is at the top of the 161 countries of internet affordability, while Madagascar came last. The cost of connectiviity in Africa last year was 20 times higher than in Europe and almost seven times more than Americas. Recent reports show that only 70% of Americans have internet access.
Yet these countries cannot access internet, between 75% and 90% jobs require at least some computer use, and it is said internet can improve children's educational performance.
We are incredibly lucky that we have internet access, compared to those who do not. It is sad to think that we have all this knowledge of computing and technology and others would not know what to do with it.