Without technology where would we be?

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Just an extra...

For the assessment, we need 13 blog posts, if I were to submit without this post, there seems to only be 12, therefore I thought I would add in the extra bits we did in a workshop with a lady who came in to conduct research on social networking, and cyber-bullying and would we report, or say something?

We sat in our normal workshop room, and she handed three sheets of paper. Two had Facebook statuses on, and the other was one for all of the group to fill in. All was anonymous  but as for this blog post, my opinion is the only one shown...  
The status's were both immature, one of was worse than the other, which you could class as cyber-bullying. 
However, as I pointed out in the class, that Facebook is one of those things where you say what you like, and get away with it. Although there are certain elements to Facebook posts, and videos which I would definitely not agree with. People post offensive statuses on Facebook which is not nice to see, however, would commenting and voicing your opinion be the best idea when you could make it worse for yourself. 

Personally, if a friend of mine posted something about another friend which was not appropriate, or irrelevant for everyone to see on Facebook, then I would probably send a direct message to that person, but I wouldn't post a comment, causing more problems, creating a Facebook war. 

We all voiced our opinions, turns out we were being recorded too (I do not have a good recorded voice). 

It was good to be there, knowing you were part of someone's actual research.