Without technology where would we be?

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Is something missing?

Digital Culture definitely covered a lot about the digital technology, past, present and future. It is good to know about these, for we live in the present, we wonder about the past and we live for the future. We learnt about all different kinds of technologies, and I was certainly shown a new light, however could we have learned more? 

I think we could have learned more about the journalism side of things with the future of technology, and how it will affect our lives. This was covered slightly, however, as a Magazine Journalism student learning about news and journalism is more beneficial to me in particular. 

In particular the augmented reality was a favourite of mine. The new technologies and advances available are incredible. I have also recently seen there is a new technology coming out of which you can use your eyes as a scroller on smart phones. Welcome to the future I am very interested in how this would work, if we had more time in this unit, that would be a particular interest of mine. 

Altogether, I think the digital culture unit was helpful and shown our group all to do with the digital world of wearable computers, popping out photos and how our grandparents used to live without Facebook. 

Thank you, Gavin. 
