Have they taken charge of our lives?
Does your computer tell you what to do? Or do you tell it?
Our advanced technology could control us in certain ways for we get so involved with them that they know what we want. Google for example, we can type in a limited amount of letters and it will know exactly what we are looking for. They know everything! The knowledge they have aside, without them we would be lost. Imagine not having internet. Especially for the younger generation with Facebook twitter, blogging and you-tube. We would not know how to cope. Social networking keeps us up-to-date with friends, friends birthdays, news, photos, and also keeps our memories. Sometimes our past gets covered over with the new, but social networking has our first status updates, and photo albums uploaded, they help re-jog memory. There is a possibility that humans could live without using social networking THEY DID and some still do but the luxury of having it now, why would anyone give it away?
Not just the internet, our mobile phones. Most people who own a mobile will use it constantly or have it near by. Never more than a few ft away. We could probably stop using technology if necessary, as before the web was created there was no choice. Only now we have adjusted to this lifestyle it would be incredibly difficult to go back when technology is always moving forward. Technology has become one of the most important, essential, and beneficial aspects of our lives. As technology increases; we adapt. Machines could be controlling us, for without life would for sure we difficult .

We now have augmented reality, (AR) in which we see the real world inside technology. It could be the use of a computer screen, mobile phone, head-ware and now the idea of wearable glasses. Ronald Azuma compared AR to the film 'Who framed Roger Rabbit', for the virtual and real objects were together.
"I honestly believe that at some point in the future we're going to have AR eye-wear , "It has to be socially acceptable and desirable". Steve Feiner, 2011.A writer named, Kevin Kelly posted a blog in 'wired magazine' called 'We are the web'. We are the web He predicted years ago, machines would be controlling humans. He predicted this through the amount of information eventually machine get from us as consumers. The computers having all this information could therefore control what we do. In the article he referred to Amazon. Amazon is used all over the world for buying and shipping items. This is related for, Amazon can register who we are when logging on, and bring up our user history. With this knowledge, they can promote certain goods knowing our previous views therefore we are more likely to choose to buy them. The machine is manipulating us.
A long time ago, computing pioneer Vannevar Bush inspired the idea of hyper linked pages, 1945. Ted Nelson build up this idea in 1965. He was so certain that every document in the world should be a footnote to another document and computers would be able to make the links between them permanent.
Before the Netscape browser highlighted the Web, the
Internet did not exist for most people. It seemed to be 'high tech nerds' who knew, others would ask the question; Who
wanted to waste time on something
so boring?
Stephen Weiswasser said :"You aren't going to turn passive consumers into active trollers on the Internet."
Kelly found, 2005 there to be a total of exceeding 600 billion web pages. In less than 4,000 days we produced excessive amount of the story which were in front of 1 billion people. He claimed this wasn't in anyone's 10 year plan.
So are we even human?
"Not only did we fail to imagine what the web would become, we still don't see it today. We are blind to this miracle"
Is the machine using me?
'The machine is using us' - Micheal Welch
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