Where did they go?
They faded out and a new improved one shone out. Facebook has become a huge phenomenon in our lives today, however there is no saying whether it will just fade away just how the others did. They are still around, and still available but if you were to ask "Oh, do you have Bebo?" The reaction would not quite be the same as if it was a friend request on Facebook.
Reality is, most people would have deleted or forgotten their log in details for other networking sites due to Facebook being so popular.
It could also have something to do with embarrassment. Do we really want to see what we spoke like, remember how badly we dressed or even see friends we don't even speak to anymore? NO, we do not.
It could also have something to do with embarrassment. Do we really want to see what we spoke like, remember how badly we dressed or even see friends we don't even speak to anymore? NO, we do not.
John Pavley believes Facebook will get to 2 billion users by 2014. Except it has its consequences it will kill the site. "Facebook isn't too big to fail."
If we could make a social networking site better than Facebook, what would it have on it to make it THAT much better?
Facebook has...
- Status updates
- Photo and Video sharing
- Chat (Instant messages)
- Direct messages
- Events
- Pages and Groups
- Birthday announcements
- Profile pages
- Games
Facebook doesn't have...
- Skins
- Tweets - Able to chat to Celebrities
- More cloud storage
If I were to create social networking site of my own, I would not want it to be much more different to Facebook. I know that Twitter and Facebook should not join together as it would get too much. So what could I include?
I suppose having a change of colour on your profile would show originality and creativity. Cloud storage would be useful for resources and it could be seen as cheaper for the company. Facebook mentioned the idea of having a 'dislike' button as well as 'like' button.. this could make for a more interesting status.
There are bad issues with Facebook - Adverts. Who actually pays attention to them? We don't use them, look at them, we do not actually need them.
Terms & Conditions.
Trying to decide on what it needs, should have and what should just be deleted is difficult. Maybe there should be just one for status's (twitter) one for just photos (Flickr) one for just games (any gaming site). It would be hard to separate each app individually now we are so used to all in one. I would not want to change Facebook, I use it daily. It keeps me up-to date, people from school are still in contact and without it there is a certainty that there would not be much contact at all through lack of time. It is just easy to log on, check it, comment, chat and log out. Facebook may be considered an anti-social idea to some as many spend hours on Facebook, some just even refreshing the home page to see the next story, others chatting and gaming. Spending hours on it talking online rather than face-to-face may be different from the older days before social networking but if Facebook were to die out...
Where would we go?
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